
Showing posts from March, 2013

April Fool's Day Fish

Image I wondered why all these vintage post cards featured fish. Fish are funny and foolish when they are applied to ordinary situations. So I checked Wiki- Now I know about April Fish! April Fools' Day is celebrated in many countries on April 1 every year. Sometimes referred to as All Fools' Day, April 1 is not a national holiday, but is widely recognized and celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes andhoaxes on each other. In Italy, France and Belgium, children and adults traditionally tack paper fishes on each other's back as a trick and shout "April fish!" in their local languages (pesce d'aprile!, poisson d'avril! and aprilvis! in Italian, French and Flemish, respectively). Such fish feature prominently on many French late 19th to early 20th century April Fools' Day postcards

Creepy Easter

Image It is really amazing that kids are not terrified of the Easter Bunny He is likely some kind of space alien He smokes He is sneaky  He is weird looking He collects babies for fun has a flatulence problem (Eats too many eggs) Shows up at work after an all nighter with an obvious hang over Teaches kids about the joys of Evil deeds Tries to make friends by impersonating Jebus Obviously needs psychological help Is just waiting for some alone time with you.